AHU  Controller AHU4a1

Configuration Parameters

ref Description default range
C1 SPAH Occupied setpoint (Return or Supply depending on SPTY) 20.0 10.0 to 35.0 degC
C2 SPDB Setpoint deadband 1.0 0.0 to 10.0 C
C3 SPTR setpoint trim 0 -10.0 to 10.0 C
C4 SPTY setpoint type (control mode)

0 setpoint from SPFC, occupancy control from 1 or more Zone Controllers

1 setpoint supervised from Zone Controller

2 Room control from Zone Controller(s), supply air setpoint from Heat%, Cool% between MAXS and MINS

3 Supply Air control from setpoint SPAH occupancy controlled from 1 or more Zone Controllers

4 as 3 but setpoint can be supervised from a selected Zone Controller

5 Supply Air control, setpoint and occupancy from a master AHU controller (Slave AHU mode)

6 Return Air control, no supply air sensor, occupancy from one or more Zone Controllers

7 Return Air Control, no supply air sensor, setpoint supervision from one Zone Controller

1 0 to 7
C5 SPFR frost/fabric protect setpoint 10 0.0 to 20.0 C
C6 INMD Input mode allows use of trim pot and or occupation control

0 normal operation

1 Occupied is External AND normal occupation (window contact)

2 Occupied is External OR normal occupation (outside normal hours)

3 Occupation controlled by external signal only

0 0 to 3
C7 MAXS maximum supply air setpoint 30 0 to 70 C
C8 MINS minimum supply air setpoint 10 2 to 30C
C9 CUTS Supply Air cutoff temperature, backup frost protection for heating batteries. If set to zero cut off feature disabled 4 0 to 20 C
C10 NTCL night cool doown setpoint 0 0 to 25.0 C
C11 MIND minimum demand 4 0 to 10%
C12 MRUN minimum run time 5 1 to 20 mins
C13 HPRD heating valve period or minimum on time depends on driver type 2 to 60 secs*10
C14 CPRD cooling valve period or minimum on time depends on driver type 2 to 60 secs*10
C15 SFRT supply fan starts first when set (1) 1 0 to 1
C16 OCCO run in Occupied period only when set 0 0 to 1
C17 RTRY retry delay after fan fail 0 0.0 to 24.0 hours
C18 HTSC heat source 0 0 to 100
C19 CLSC cool source 0 0 to 100
C20 OCDS occupation destination 0 0 to 100
C21 MXCT maximum CT setpoint to heat source when AHU demanding 100% 70 20 to 100 C
C22 MNCT minimum CT setpoint to heat source when AHU demanding 0% 30 20 to 100 C
C23 HSTG number of heat stages 2 1 to 5
C24 CSTG number of cool stages 2 1 to 5
C25 HCOK allow heat and cool demands at the same time for De-hum control 0 0 to 1
C26 ALRM alarm mode

0 ignore alarms

1 report alarms

2 report alarms, shut down all outputs on alarm

3 report alarms, shut down all outputs on STOP alarm or sensor fail alarm

1 0 to 3
C27 ALST defines alarm state when inputs used for alarms 0 0 to 1

Monitoring Parameters

ref Description default range
I1 (C30) INPA input A fan fail 0 to 1
I2 (C31) INPB input B filter blocked 0 to 1
I3 (C32) RLYA relay A heat raise 0 to 1
I4 (C33) RLYB relay B heat lower 0 to 1
I5 (C34) RLYC relay C cool raise 0 to 1
I6 (C35) RLYD relay D cool lower 0 to 1
I7 (C36) SFAN relay E supply fan 0 to 1
I8 (C37) EFAN relay F extract fan 0 to 1


AUTO Controller in automatic control


OVRD Override

W1 and W2 used together with Doorway Auto/manual dialog box



RSET reset AHU fan failure 0 to1


RPLN when set missing nodes are replaced with the next node registered of the same type 1 0 to1


SERV remote initiation of registration button 0 to1


CGST remote initiation of configuration mode 0 to1
S1 (C50) SPLA supply air temperature 0 to 35.0C
S2 (C51) RTNA return air temperature 0 to 35.0 C
S3 (C52) HCOP Controller output -100 to 100
S4 (C53) INCL inter coil temperature 0 to 50.0 C
S5 (C54) OUTS Outside air temperature -30 to 35.0C
S6 (C55) SPSL current supply air setpoint 5 to 30.0 C
S7 (C56) SPRT current return air setpoint 5 to 30.0 C
S8 (C57) SPLH supply humidity 0 to 100.0%
S9 (C58) RTNH return humidity 0 to 100.0%
S10(C59) OUTH outside humidity 0 to 100.0%
K1 (C60) SPOC occupied setpoint 20.0 5.0 to 35.0 C
K2 (C61) SPFR non occupied setpoint 10.0 5.0 to 20.0 C
K3 (C62) SPSV supervised setpoint (from master) 0 0.0 to 50.0 C
K4 (C63) SPTR setpoint trim 0 -10.0 to 10.0 C
K5 (C64) RHSP relative humidity setpoint, zero setpoint disables de-humidification control 0 10 to 100 %RH
K6 (C65) RHDB relative humidity deadband 5 2 to 50 %RH

Engineering Parameters