Dessicant Wheel Controller Network Variables AHDx3d1

SNVT type
normal connection
nciNetConfig SNVT_config_src in when set TRUE disables inbuilt binding
nciLocation SNVT_str_asc in node label string.. application updates it when address changed
nviConfigPara single byte parameter number in used to read config parameter, node replies with data in SeaChange data structure
nviConfigData SeaChange data structure in writes new config parameter data
nviHeatTrim SNVT_lev_cont in heat demand from AHU Controller
nviCoolTrim SNVT_lev_cont in cool demand from AHU Controller
nviAhuData SeaChange structure ahu_op in Data from AHU
nviDeHumDemand SNVT_lev_percent in De-humidification demand from Humidity controller
NV_RT_Clock SNVT_date_time in connected to nvoClock on Boiler controller
NV_day_of_week SNVT_date_day in connected to nvoDayofWeek on Boiler controller
NV_outside_temp SNVT_temp in connected to nvoOutsideTemp on Boiler Controller
NV_boiler_temp SNVT_temp in connected to nvoBoilerTemp on Boiler Controller
nviInstallZone SNVT_lev_cont in used to display installed zone number
nviOutsideTemp SNVT_temp_p in Outside temperature connected to optional networked sensor
nviOutsideRH SNVT_lev_cont in Outside RH connected to optional networked sensor
nvoMeasuredTemp SNVT_temp_p * out current measured temperature
nvoEffectSetPt SNVT_temp_p out current setpoint
nvoHeatOutput SNVT_lev_percent * out Heating Demand
nvoCoolOutput SNVT_lev_percent * out Cooling Demand
nviHeatOutput SNVT_lev_percent in Heating Demand
nviCoolOutput SNVT_lev_percent in Cooling Demand
nviOccSetpoint SNVT_temp_p in Occupied setpoint, changes EEPROM value so update rate needs to be carefully considered
nvoOccSetpoint SNVT_temp_p out current Occupied setpoint
nvoCurrentOp SNVT_lev_percent out current output level or valve position
nvoDigIn single byte out
Eight status signals, one per bit

interlock A; interlock B; interlock C; interlock D; occupied; spare; spare; spare

nvoSwitch single byte out
Status of eight switches one per bit
Automatic; Override; spare; spare; spare; spare; spare; Config mode
nviSwitch single byte in Writes to eight switches one per bit as above
nviPlotRequest SeaChange plot request in proprietory data structure
nciSndHrtBt SNVT_time_sec in heartbeat setting for update time of SNVT values marked with a *