Monitoring Module MONBA3a2

Configuration Parameters

ref Description default range
C1 CHNL The number of the channel to be configured
1 - 5 Hardware Inputs also (known as 'A' to 'E')
x 1 to 5
C2 CTYP Selected Hardware Input Channel type

0 = Analogue
1 = Digital

0 0 to 1
C3 C DP Selected Hardware Input channel decimal place. This also specifies the range of the measured variable.
0 = -9999 to +9999
1 = -999.9 to +999.9
2 = -99.99 to +99.99
3 = -9.999 to +9.999
0 0 to 3
C4 CTOP Selected Hardware Input Channel Engineering value at 10v 0 -9999 to +9999
C5 CBTM Selected Hardware Input Channel Engineering value at 0v 0 -9999 to +9999
C6 CLOW Low alarm level for selected input channel', (* see issue note for delays and deadbands) 0 -9999 to +9999
C7 CLDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level falling below CLOW.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C8 CHGH High alarm level for selected input channel. 0 -9999 to +9999
C9 CHDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level rising above CHGH.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C10 CAON Selected input channel alarm on condition;

0 = No alarms, 1 =on  low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm.

0 0 to 3
C11 C OS Applies an offset to the currently selected channel, +/- 50% of the sensor measuring range. (See note on channel failure tests) x x
C12 C NS Set the 'heathy state' of the currently selected input if configured as a digital input.(Set by default to the state of the input when configured.) 0 0 to 1
C13 COPY Copy the currently selected channel setup to channel 'x'. 0 0 to 5
C14 DLYO Alarm delay on, sets delay edge for all 'CAON', TAON, etc

0 = Delay action on alarm condition (ie. Alarm delayed on input exceeding limits, but clears immediately.)

1 = Delay action on alarm and clearing (ie. Alarm delayed on input exceeding limits, and delays on clearing.)

2 = Delay action on clearing. (ie. Alarm reported immediatly on input exceeding limits, but delays on clearing.)

0 0 to 2
C15 ASAC All stop action. On receipt of 'All Stop' alarm

0 = No alarm reporting, no alarms to relays.

1 = Relays function, but No alarms to doorway.

2 = All Stop ignored.


0 0 to 2
C16 TLOW Low alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement 0 5 to 65
C17 TLDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level falling below TLOW.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C18 THGH High alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement. 0 -9999 to +9999
C19 THDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level rising above THGH.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C20 TAON Temperature alarm on condition;

0 = No alarms, 1 =on  low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm.

0 0 to 3
C21 HLOW Low alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. 0 5 to 95
C22 HLDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level falling below HLOW.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C23 HHGH High alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. 0 5 to 95
C24 HHDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level rising above CHGH.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C25 HAON Humidity alarm on condition;

0 = No alarms, 1 =on  low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm.

0 0 to 3
C26 RSAM Remote sensor alarm mute
0 = Report remote sensors status online/offline
1 = Do not report remote sensor status
With the mute TRUE the condition of the remote sensors can still be monitored by checking the NSEN bit C99 which will be TRUE if any remote device has a fault.
1 0 to 1
C27 MAMX Send the following parameter Temperature and Humidity to (AHU, etc) and display on S6 S7
0 = Minimum value
1 = Average value
2 = Maximum value
1 0 to 2

Monitoring Parameters

ref Description default range
I1 (C30) IN A Input 'A' Status if digital 0 to 1
I2 (C31) IN B Input 'B' Status if digital 0 to 1
I3 (C32) IN C Input 'C'  Status if digital 0 to 1
I4 (C33) IN D Input 'D'  Status if digital 0 to 1
I5 (C34) IN E Input 'E'  Status if digital 0 to 1
I6 (C35) ARST Alarm reset input status 0 to 1


AUTO Controller in automatic control 1 0 to 1


OVRD Override

W1 and W2 used together with Doorway Auto/manual dialog box

n/a 0 to 1


NALM No Alarms - Use as MUTE durring commission phase, no alarms to Doorway.

0 = Alarm reporting enabled.

1 = Mute all

0 0 to 1


CALM Common Alarm - Enables the common alarm output, with this enabled the alarm relay will latch and must be reset manually by the 'Reset input' or by setting 'RCLR'

0 = Common alarm disabled.

1 = common alarm enabled.

0 0 to 1


RCLR Allow remote reset of common alarm from Doorway.

1 =Reset (Self clearing)

0 0 to 1


RPLN Replace missing nodes in database

1 = Auto replace node

1 0 to 1


SERV Generate Service Pin Message


0 0 to 1


CGST Configuration mode 0 0 to 1
S1 (C50) IN A Input 'A' Value
S2 (C51) IN B  Input 'B' Value
S3 (C52) IN C Input 'C' Value
S4 (C53) IN D  Input 'D' Value
S5 (C54) IN E  Input 'E' Value
S6 (C55) NS T (Max/Min/Ave) Temperature value of remote sensors. °C
S7 (C56) NS H   (Max/Min/Ave) Humidity value of remote sensors. 0 to 100 %RH


System parameters

ref   Description default range
C80 XCFG Force others exit config n/a 0 to 1
C81 GRP Own Group n/a 0 to 255
C82 ----      
C83 CSTP Enable remote application restart n/a 0 to 99
C84 APRS Reports number of restarts n/a 0 to 256
C85 NCRS Going deaf number of restarts n/a 0 to 255
C86 SWRS None power up restarts n/a 0 to 256

Alarm parameters

ref   Description default range
C90 NOAL No alarms present n/a 0 to 1
C91 ALMA Input 'A' Alarm state n/a 0 to 1
C92 ALMB Input 'B' Alarm state n/a 0 to 1
C93 ALMC Input 'C' Alarm state n/a 0 to 1 
C94 ALMD Input 'D' Alarm state n/a 0 to 1
C95 ALME Input 'E' Alarm state n/a 0 to 1
C96 NS T Temperature alarm remote devices.
(S 6)
n/a 0 to 1
C97 NS H Humidity alarm remote devices.
(S 7)
n/a 0 to 1
C98 CMAL Common Alarm state n/a 0 to 1
C99 NSEN Remote networked measuring device fault. n/a 0 to 1


Number of registered devices

ref   Description default range
C100 REPT Numer of Alarm repeators n/a 0 to 4
C101 RSEN Numer of remote devices (excluding zones) n/a 0 to 10
C102 RZON Numer of remote zones (temperature sensor) n/a 0 to 10


Master Devices

ref   Description default range
C121 MZON Master using derived values. 0 0

Plot parameters

ref   Description default range
C130 PN A config variable number for channel A

Note Plots are automatically allocated to analogue channels when configured.

x 0 to 255
C131 PT A period code for plot A 1 1 to 4
C132 PN B config variable number for channel B x 0 to 255
C133 PT B period code for plot B 1 1 to 4
C134 PN B config variable number for channel C x 0 to 255
C135 PT B period code for plot C 1 1 to 4
C136 PN B config variable number for channel D x 0 to 255
C137 PT B period code for plot D 1 1 to 4


Extended alarm parameters


C140 TLOW Low alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement 0 5 to 65
C141 TLDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level falling below TLOW.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C142 THGH High alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement. 0 -9999 to +9999
C143 THDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level rising above THGH.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C144 TAON Average temperature alarm on condition;

0 = No alarms, 1 =on  low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm.

0 0 to 3
C145 HLOW Low alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. 0 5 to 95
C146 HLDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level falling below HLOW.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C147 HHGH High alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. 0 5 to 95
C148 HHDY Delay before alarm generation, after measured level rising above CHGH.

0 = Hysteresis operation.

>0  = Delay in minutes before alarm action

2 0 to 30
C149 HAON Average humidity alarm on condition;

0 = No alarms, 1 =on  low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm.

0 0 to 3


ref   Description default range
C150 ATYP Input A channel type 1 = digital x 0 to 1
C151 AAST Input A alarm status x 0 to 127
C152 BTYP Input B channel type 1 = digital x 0 to 1
C153 BAST Input B alarm status x 0 to 127
C154 CTYP Input C channel type 1 = digital x 0 to 1
C155 CAST Input C alarm status x 0 to 127
C156 DTYP Input D channel type 1 = digital x 0 to 1
C157 DAST Input D alarm status x 0 to 127
C158 ETYP Input E channel type 1 = digital x 1 to 1
C159 EAST Input E alarm status  x 0 to 127


ref   Description default range
C160 TATM Average temperature remote devices alarm time x  
C161 TCTM Average temperature remote devices clear alarm time x  
C162 TAST Average temperature remote devices alarm status x 0 to 127
C163 TMIN Current minimum temperature of remote devices x 0 to 127
C164 TMAX Current maximum temperature of remote devices x  
C165 HATM Average humidity remote devices alarm time x  
C166 HCTM Average humidity remote devices clear alarm time x  
C167 HAST Average temperature remote devices alarm status x 0 to 127
C168 HMIN Current minimum humidity of remote devices x  
C169 HMAX Current maximum humidity of remote devices x  


ref   Description default range
C170 RA T Current temperature value remote device 'A' x  
C171 RB T Current temperature value remote device 'B' x  
C172 RC T Current temperature value remote device 'C' x  
C173 RD T Current temperature value remote device 'D' x  
C174 RE T Current temperature value remote device 'E' x  
C175 RF T Current temperature value remote device 'F' x  
C176 RG T Current temperature value remote device 'G' x  
C177 RH T Current temperature value remote device 'H' x  
C178 RI T Current temperature value remote device 'I' x  
C179 RJ T Current temperature value remote device 'J' x  


ref   Description default range
C180 RA H Current humidity value remote device 'A' x  
C181 RB H Current humidity value remote device 'B' x  
C182 RC H Current humidity value remote device 'C' x  
C183 RD H Current humidity value remote device 'D' x  
C184 RE H Current humidity value remote device 'E' x  
C185 RF H Current humidity value remote device 'F' x  
C186 RG H Current humidity value remote device 'G' x  
C187 RH H Current humidity value remote device 'H' x  
C188 RI H Current humidity value remote device 'I' x  
C189 RJ H Current humidity value remote device 'J' x  


ref   Description default range
C190 RZ A Zone number of remote device A (if applicable) x  
C191 RZ B Zone number of remote device B (if applicable) x  
C192 RZ C Zone number of remote device C (if applicable) x  
C193 RZ D Zone number of remote device D (if applicable) x  
C194 RZ E Zone number of remote device E (if applicable) x  
C195 RZ F Zone number of remote device F (if applicable) x  
C196 RZ G Zone number of remote device G (if applicable) x  
C197 RZ H Zone number of remote device H (if applicable) x  
C198 RZ I Zone number of remote device I (if applicable) x  
C199 RZ J Zone number of remote device J (if applicable) x