ref | Description | default | range | |
C1 | CHNL | The number of the channel to be
configured 1 - 5 Hardware Inputs also (known as 'A' to 'E') |
x | 1 to 5 |
C2 | CTYP | Selected Hardware Input Channel
type 0 = Analogue |
0 | 0 to 1 |
C3 | C DP | Selected Hardware Input channel
decimal place. This also specifies the range of the measured variable. 0 = -9999 to +9999 1 = -999.9 to +999.9 2 = -99.99 to +99.99 3 = -9.999 to +9.999 |
0 | 0 to 3 |
C4 | CTOP | Selected Hardware Input Channel Engineering value at 10v | 0 | -9999 to +9999 |
C5 | CBTM | Selected Hardware Input Channel Engineering value at 0v | 0 | -9999 to +9999 |
C6 | CLOW | Low alarm level for selected input channel', (* see issue note for delays and deadbands) | 0 | -9999 to +9999 |
C7 | CLDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level falling below CLOW. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C8 | CHGH | High alarm level for selected input channel. | 0 | -9999 to +9999 |
C9 | CHDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level rising above CHGH. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C10 | CAON | Selected input channel alarm on
condition; 0 = No alarms, 1 =on low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm. |
0 | 0 to 3 |
C11 | C OS | Applies an offset to the currently selected channel, +/- 50% of the sensor measuring range. (See note on channel failure tests) | x | x |
C12 | C NS | Set the 'heathy state' of the currently selected input if configured as a digital input.(Set by default to the state of the input when configured.) | 0 | 0 to 1 |
C13 | COPY | Copy the currently selected channel setup to channel 'x'. | 0 | 0 to 5 |
C14 | DLYO | Alarm delay on, sets delay edge
for all 'CAON', TAON, etc 0 = Delay action on alarm condition (ie. Alarm delayed on input exceeding limits, but clears immediately.) 1 = Delay action on alarm and clearing (ie. Alarm delayed on input exceeding limits, and delays on clearing.) 2 = Delay action on clearing. (ie. Alarm reported immediatly on input exceeding limits, but delays on clearing.) |
0 | 0 to 2 |
C15 | ASAC | All stop action. On receipt of
'All Stop' alarm 0 = No alarm reporting, no alarms to relays. 1 = Relays function, but No alarms to doorway. 2 = All Stop ignored.
0 | 0 to 2 |
C16 | TLOW | Low alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement | 0 | 5 to 65 |
C17 | TLDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level falling below TLOW. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C18 | THGH | High alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement. | 0 | -9999 to +9999 |
C19 | THDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level rising above THGH. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C20 | TAON | Temperature alarm on condition; 0 = No alarms, 1 =on low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm. |
0 | 0 to 3 |
C21 | HLOW | Low alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. | 0 | 5 to 95 |
C22 | HLDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level falling below HLOW. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C23 | HHGH | High alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. | 0 | 5 to 95 |
C24 | HHDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level rising above CHGH. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C25 | HAON | Humidity alarm on condition; 0 = No alarms, 1 =on low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm. |
0 | 0 to 3 |
C26 | RSAM | Remote sensor alarm mute 0 = Report remote sensors status online/offline 1 = Do not report remote sensor status With the mute TRUE the condition of the remote sensors can still be monitored by checking the NSEN bit C99 which will be TRUE if any remote device has a fault. |
1 | 0 to 1 |
C27 | MAMX | Send the following parameter
Temperature and Humidity to (AHU, etc) and display on S6 S7 0 = Minimum value 1 = Average value 2 = Maximum value |
1 | 0 to 2 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
INPUTS | ||||
I1 (C30) | IN A | Input 'A' Status if digital | 0 to 1 | |
I2 (C31) | IN B | Input 'B' Status if digital | 0 to 1 | |
I3 (C32) | IN C | Input 'C' Status if digital | 0 to 1 | |
I4 (C33) | IN D | Input 'D' Status if digital | 0 to 1 | |
I5 (C34) | IN E | Input 'E' Status if digital | 0 to 1 | |
I6 (C35) | ARST | Alarm reset input status | 0 to 1 | |
W1 (C38) |
AUTO | Controller in automatic control | 1 | 0 to 1 |
W2 (C39) |
OVRD | Override W1 and W2 used together with Doorway Auto/manual dialog box |
n/a | 0 to 1 |
W3 (C40) |
NALM | No Alarms - Use as MUTE durring
commission phase, no alarms to Doorway. 0 = Alarm reporting enabled. 1 = Mute all |
0 | 0 to 1 |
W4 (C41) |
CALM | Common Alarm - Enables the common
alarm output, with this enabled the alarm relay will latch and must be reset manually by
the 'Reset input' or by setting 'RCLR' 0 = Common alarm disabled. 1 = common alarm enabled. |
0 | 0 to 1 |
W5 (C43) |
RCLR | Allow remote reset of common alarm
from Doorway. 1 =Reset (Self clearing) |
0 | 0 to 1 |
W6 (C43) |
RPLN | Replace missing nodes in database 1 = Auto replace node |
1 | 0 to 1 |
W7 (C44) |
SERV | Generate Service Pin Message
0 | 0 to 1 |
W8 (C45) |
CGST | Configuration mode | 0 | 0 to 1 |
SENSORS | ||||
S1 (C50) | IN A | Input 'A' Value | ||
S2 (C51) | IN B | Input 'B' Value | ||
S3 (C52) | IN C | Input 'C' Value | ||
S4 (C53) | IN D | Input 'D' Value | ||
S5 (C54) | IN E | Input 'E' Value | ||
S6 (C55) | NS T | (Max/Min/Ave) Temperature value of remote sensors. | °C | |
S7 (C56) | NS H | (Max/Min/Ave) Humidity value of remote sensors. | 0 to 100 | %RH |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C80 | XCFG | Force others exit config | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C81 | GRP | Own Group | n/a | 0 to 255 |
C82 | ---- | |||
C83 | CSTP | Enable remote application restart | n/a | 0 to 99 |
C84 | APRS | Reports number of restarts | n/a | 0 to 256 |
C85 | NCRS | Going deaf number of restarts | n/a | 0 to 255 |
C86 | SWRS | None power up restarts | n/a | 0 to 256 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C90 | NOAL | No alarms present | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C91 | ALMA | Input 'A' Alarm state | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C92 | ALMB | Input 'B' Alarm state | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C93 | ALMC | Input 'C' Alarm state | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C94 | ALMD | Input 'D' Alarm state | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C95 | ALME | Input 'E' Alarm state | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C96 | NS T | Temperature alarm remote devices. (S 6) |
n/a | 0 to 1 |
C97 | NS H | Humidity alarm remote devices. (S 7) |
n/a | 0 to 1 |
C98 | CMAL | Common Alarm state | n/a | 0 to 1 |
C99 | NSEN | Remote networked measuring device fault. | n/a | 0 to 1 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C100 | REPT | Numer of Alarm repeators | n/a | 0 to 4 |
C101 | RSEN | Numer of remote devices (excluding zones) | n/a | 0 to 10 |
C102 | RZON | Numer of remote zones (temperature sensor) | n/a | 0 to 10 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C121 | MZON | Master using derived values. | 0 | 0 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C130 | PN A | config variable number for channel A Note Plots are automatically allocated to analogue channels when configured. |
x | 0 to 255 |
C131 | PT A | period code for plot A | 1 | 1 to 4 |
C132 | PN B | config variable number for channel B | x | 0 to 255 |
C133 | PT B | period code for plot B | 1 | 1 to 4 |
C134 | PN B | config variable number for channel C | x | 0 to 255 |
C135 | PT B | period code for plot C | 1 | 1 to 4 |
C136 | PN B | config variable number for channel D | x | 0 to 255 |
C137 | PT B | period code for plot D | 1 | 1 to 4 |
C140 | TLOW | Low alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement | 0 | 5 to 65 |
C141 | TLDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level falling below TLOW. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C142 | THGH | High alarm level for remote devices average temperature measurement. | 0 | -9999 to +9999 |
C143 | THDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level rising above THGH. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C144 | TAON | Average temperature alarm on
condition; 0 = No alarms, 1 =on low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm. |
0 | 0 to 3 |
C145 | HLOW | Low alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. | 0 | 5 to 95 |
C146 | HLDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level falling below HLOW. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C147 | HHGH | High alarm level for remote devices average humidity measurement. | 0 | 5 to 95 |
C148 | HHDY | Delay before alarm generation,
after measured level rising above CHGH. 0 = Hysteresis operation. >0 = Delay in minutes before alarm action |
2 | 0 to 30 |
C149 | HAON | Average humidity alarm on
condition; 0 = No alarms, 1 =on low alarm, 2 = on high alarm, 3 = on high and low alarm. |
0 | 0 to 3 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C150 | ATYP | Input A channel type 1 = digital | x | 0 to 1 |
C151 | AAST | Input A alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
C152 | BTYP | Input B channel type 1 = digital | x | 0 to 1 |
C153 | BAST | Input B alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
C154 | CTYP | Input C channel type 1 = digital | x | 0 to 1 |
C155 | CAST | Input C alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
C156 | DTYP | Input D channel type 1 = digital | x | 0 to 1 |
C157 | DAST | Input D alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
C158 | ETYP | Input E channel type 1 = digital | x | 1 to 1 |
C159 | EAST | Input E alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C160 | TATM | Average temperature remote devices alarm time | x | |
C161 | TCTM | Average temperature remote devices clear alarm time | x | |
C162 | TAST | Average temperature remote devices alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
C163 | TMIN | Current minimum temperature of remote devices | x | 0 to 127 |
C164 | TMAX | Current maximum temperature of remote devices | x | |
C165 | HATM | Average humidity remote devices alarm time | x | |
C166 | HCTM | Average humidity remote devices clear alarm time | x | |
C167 | HAST | Average temperature remote devices alarm status | x | 0 to 127 |
C168 | HMIN | Current minimum humidity of remote devices | x | |
C169 | HMAX | Current maximum humidity of remote devices | x |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C170 | RA T | Current temperature value remote device 'A' | x | |
C171 | RB T | Current temperature value remote device 'B' | x | |
C172 | RC T | Current temperature value remote device 'C' | x | |
C173 | RD T | Current temperature value remote device 'D' | x | |
C174 | RE T | Current temperature value remote device 'E' | x | |
C175 | RF T | Current temperature value remote device 'F' | x | |
C176 | RG T | Current temperature value remote device 'G' | x | |
C177 | RH T | Current temperature value remote device 'H' | x | |
C178 | RI T | Current temperature value remote device 'I' | x | |
C179 | RJ T | Current temperature value remote device 'J' | x |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C180 | RA H | Current humidity value remote device 'A' | x | |
C181 | RB H | Current humidity value remote device 'B' | x | |
C182 | RC H | Current humidity value remote device 'C' | x | |
C183 | RD H | Current humidity value remote device 'D' | x | |
C184 | RE H | Current humidity value remote device 'E' | x | |
C185 | RF H | Current humidity value remote device 'F' | x | |
C186 | RG H | Current humidity value remote device 'G' | x | |
C187 | RH H | Current humidity value remote device 'H' | x | |
C188 | RI H | Current humidity value remote device 'I' | x | |
C189 | RJ H | Current humidity value remote device 'J' | x |
ref | Description | default | range | |
C190 | RZ A | Zone number of remote device A (if applicable) | x | |
C191 | RZ B | Zone number of remote device B (if applicable) | x | |
C192 | RZ C | Zone number of remote device C (if applicable) | x | |
C193 | RZ D | Zone number of remote device D (if applicable) | x | |
C194 | RZ E | Zone number of remote device E (if applicable) | x | |
C195 | RZ F | Zone number of remote device F (if applicable) | x | |
C196 | RZ G | Zone number of remote device G (if applicable) | x | |
C197 | RZ H | Zone number of remote device H (if applicable) | x | |
C198 | RZ I | Zone number of remote device I (if applicable) | x | |
C199 | RZ J | Zone number of remote device J (if applicable) | x |