Configuration Tables Data Sheet
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Feature Notes



Actuator Submodule for Natural Ventilation Window Control
with 3 x Triac Outputs (3T version)
with 3 x Analogue Outputs (AOP version)

Latest released version is 4c2 (beta)

Document last updated 24/01/2002
Recent features not included on Data sheet are in
RED text

ACT / DIN / NAT / 3T / ...

ACT / DIN / NAT / AOP / ...

Main Features

Controls Automatic Windows or Dampers in Naturally Ventilated buildings

Works with SeaChange AHU, Zone or Secondary Circuit Controller

This product is available to special order only : please contact smartkontrols for availability

Summary Features


The SeaChange Actuator modules are Submodules, which can be used to extend the control capabilities of other SeaChange Modules. They can be used to drive Raise/Lower type actuator motors or 0-10V DC actuator motors.
The natural ventilation version of the Actuator submodule is generally similar to the standard version. Most of the features within the natural ventilation version are the same as those in the standard version, but there are also some additional features which relate to its functionality in natural ventilation applications.
All standard Actuator submodule features are described in the documentation for the standard Actuator submodule. However any features relevant to natural ventilation applications and additional features unique to the NAT version, are as follows.
Also see the Application Example at the end of the feature details.

Control functions (NAT version only)

The Window Controller controls the opening of automated windows and dampers in Naturally Ventilated buildings. The controller registers as an Actuator submodule and can be used with AHU, Secondary Cooling, Zone controllers as the parent module.
The window opening can be modified by Wind Speed and Direction as measured by a SeaChange Wind Interface module. Further settings allow the window opening to be limited by the Outside temperature.
When used on 3T hardware only one window actuator can be controlled per module with the raise/lower driver, whereas if Analogue output hardware is used then two diametrically opposed windows can be controlled from one Actuator submodule.
The module receives cooling demands and occupancy from it's parent module, while occupied the module will open the window as defined by the Minimum Fresh Air setting MNFA, unless the cooling demand is greater in which case the window will open an amount equal to the cooling demand. The maximum window opening can be overridden based on Wind Speed, Direction and Outside temperature as detailed below.

Wind Speed Override (NAT version only)

Two configuration parameters define the Wind speed operation.
MNWS Minimum Wind Speed defines the lower wind speed limit below which no wind override occurs
MXWS Maximum Wind Speed defines the upper wind speed limit at which the Window will be overriden closed
Between these limits the maximum window opening will be progressivly changed from 100% to 0%. The incoming demand signal will be rescaled to match the modified maximum opening, so if the demand was 50% and the Wind Speed was dictating a maximum opening of 60% then the window would be opened 30% (50% of 60%).
Setting both parameters to zero will disable this feature.
Wind Direction Override (NAT version only)
Three parameters define the Wind Direction override.
NOWS No Wind Speed, for wind speeds below this value the direction of the wind is ignored
WNWD Window Direction, this is the compass bearing measured from inside the building looking perpendicularly out of the window.
Compass Point
North East
South East
South West
North West
DDEV Direction Deviation. The window will be allowed to open to maximum when the wind is from the direction diametrically opposed to the Window Direction. Wind direction is always specified as the direction which the wind is coming from, so with a northerly wind, a south facing window is on the lee side of the bulding and can be opened. The Direction Deviation parameter specifies how much the wind direction needs to change from the downwind condition before the window needs to be shut. The diagram plots maximum window opening against wind direction deviation for a number of settings of DDEV Direction Deviation. It can be seen from this that if the DDEV is greater than 180 the window can be allowed to open a small amount even when the wind is blowing directly onto it.

Setting the DDEV Direction Deviation parameter to zero will disable the Wind Direction Override.

Outside Temperature Override (NAT version only)

This override prevents or limits window opening when the outside temperature is below or between preset temperature limits.
OUTT Outside Top limit, if the Outside temperature falls below this setting then the Maximum window opening will be progressivly reduced until
OUTS Outside Shut limit is reached where the Maximum window opening will be at 0%
If both these parameters are set to zero then this feature will be disabled.

Calculation Mode (NAT version only)

The factors calculated for each of the Window opening restrictions described above may be combined in one of two ways as defined by the CALC configuration variable.

CALC=0 Factors Multiplied

The indivudual factors from each calculation are multiplied together so for example if the Wind Speed factor is 80%, the Wind Direction Factor 50% and the Outside Temperature factor is 60% then the resulting re-scale applied to the window opening would be 0.8 *0.5 *0.6* 100 or 24%, in this case 100% cooling demand would open the window by just 24%

CALC=1 Minimum

In this case the lowest factor would be used to rescale the demand, with the same figures as above the Wind Direction factor of 50% is the lowest so 100% cooling demand would be re-scaled to 50%.
Each of the individual factors can be viewed on the sensor page, OSFR Outside Factor, WSFR Wind Speed Factor and WDFR Wind Direction Factor. The sensor FACT Resultant Factor displays the result of the combining calculation.

Application Example - Granta Park

For a complete overview of this real application go to the "Case Example" option under Natural Ventilation in the product menu on the left of the screen.

Atrium Window Control

A special version of Actuator submodule (ACTDW4c1) is used to control the Atrium windows, this submodule receives the Wind Speed and Direction information from the Wind Interface. The Actuator submodule controls one bank of windows (dampers) which must all face the same direction, (the analogue output version (ACTAW4c1) can be used to control an additional diametrically opposed bank of windows), but if banks of windows facing different direction need to be controlled then a separate actuator is required for each direction.
The Actuators are registered to a cooling secondary controller which coordinates the cooling demands from the AHU's and Zones in the appropriate area of the building. The Actuator submodule can be setup to modify the window opening based on demand, wind speed, wind direction and outside temperature.

Options and Product Codes

Actuator Submodule for Natural Ventilation Window Control

This product is available to special order only : please contact smartkontrols for availability

ACT / DIN / NAT / 3T / [driver option]

Driver options



Output A

Output B

Output C

/ 101
/ 201
Time Proportional
Not used
Occupation or Optimum start switch
/ 105
/ 205
Window/Damper Open
Window/Damper Close
Occupation or Optimum start switch
/ 108
/ 208
Sequence 2 triacs at 33% and
66% of demand
Occupation or Optimum start switch
/ 109
/ 209
Sequence 3 triacs at 25%,
50% and
75% of demand

ACT / DIN / NAT / AOP / [driver option]

Driver options



Output A

Output B

/ 701
/ 801
Time Proportional *
Occupation or Optimum Start Switch *
/ 705
/ 805
Raise / Lower *
Occupation or Optimum Start Switch *
/ 721
/ 821
0-100% Demand = 0-10V dc
Occupation or Optimum Start Switch *
/ 722
/ 822
0-50% Demand = 0-10V dc
50-100% Demand = 0-10Vdc
/ 731
/ 831
Sequenced - 2 stages *
Occupation or Optimum Start Switch *
/ 732
/ 832
Sequenced - 3 stages *
Occupation or Optimum Start Switch *
/ 733
/ 833
Sequenced - 8 stages *
Occupation or Optimum Start Switch *
* using external Sontay relay module

Input Configuration (3T and AOP)

Input 3-4 ‘input a’
Temperature sensor (optional) or VFC status / alarm / occupancy
Input 5-6 ‘input b’
Temperature sensor (optional)
smartkontrols Ltd
8 Horsted Square
Bell Lane Business Park
Uckfield East Sussex
TN22 1QG
phone 01825 769812
fax 01825 769813
e-mail sales@smartkontrols.co.uk
http:// www.smartkontrols.co.uk